SDM Covid-19 Webinar
Here is the video from the COVID Webinar on 4/8/20.If you are experiencing the symptoms of COVID-19, please call your doctor or dial 911. SDM Covid-19 Webinar
We would like to reiterate to all our fellow Malayalees to follow all the directives to maintain social distancing and help flatten the curve. We also wish to record our deep sense of appreciation and gratitude to all who are in the front-lines including but not limited to the first-responders, doctors and nurses many of whom are our fellow Malayalees.Each of the bullet points below are clickable links. SDM is not responsible for the content of these external links. With the new directive about masks, here is a link on how to create one at home
SD, CA, USA Info
SD, CA, USA Info
** Do you think you are infected?
** How to wash your hands - CDC
** Unemployment Insurance and filing for unemployment at EDD.
** Know when you will get your check from the 2T stimulus.
** Official US CDC page, San Diego Cty
**What does social distancing (gif) and flatten the curve mean?
** Testing Centers, another link here.
** Link with counts in San Diego from UT
Other Useful Info
Other Useful Info
** Count of cases: Hopkins Site, Worldometer, Covid Tracking, Google
** Feeling bored sitting at home? Here are some things to keep you busy
** Scholastic Learn at home for kids
** A compilation of free resources for kids.. CA DOE site
** Lots of fake news about this virus in social media. Check it here